Beberapa dari anda pasti pernah membuat makanan dari buku resep yang anda baca. Anda membaca resep lalu mempraktekkan langkah demi langkah cara membuat makanannya. Nah, resep makanan yang anda baca adalah contoh procedure text (example of procedure text). Tapi, procedure text bukan hanya tentang makanan (procedure text food), contoh procedure text selain makanan yaitu bisa juga contoh procedure text tentang techonology, contoh procedure text tentang elektronik, contoh procedure text drink (contoh prosedur text tentang minuman)

Kali ini saya akan membantu anda memahami bab procedure text, mulai dari pengertian procedure text, tujuan procedure text (purpose of procedure text), jenis-jenis procedure text, generic structure procedure text, ciri-ciri- prosedure text hingga contoh procedure text bahasa inggris (procedure text examples). Contoh procedure text beserta gambarnya tersedia di sub bab terakhir.

Definisi Procedure Text
1.      Procedure text is a piece of text that give us instructions for doing something
(Procedure text adalah sebuah teks yang memberikan petunjuk atau instruksi untuk melakukan sesuatu)
2.      Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps
3.      Procedure text adalah teks yang dibuat untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dicapai melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah-langkah. 

Dari dua penjelasan procedure text di atas juga dapat diketahui tujuan teks procedure.

Jenis-Jenis Procedure Text

1.      Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation manuals. For example : how to use the CD player, the handphone, the radio, the printer, etc
2.      Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity. For Example: rules for games, road safety rules, recipes, science experiments, etc.
3.      Texts that deal with human behaviour. For example : how to succeed, how to live happily,etc.

Generic Strucuture Procedure Text
1.      Goal         :    Showing the purpose (maksud dan tujuan)
2.      Material    :    Telling the needed materials. (menjelaskan bahan yang dibutuhkan, tetapi dalam beberapa tipe contoh procedure text tidak mencantumkan material. Hal ini tidak menjadi masalah karena mungkin pada procedure text tersebut tidak ada bahan yang digunakan.
3.      Steps       :    Describing the steps to achieve the purpose (menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk menjapai tujuan.

Ciri-ciri Procedure Text
Beberapa ciri prosedure text yaitu :
Imperative atau menggunakan bentuk perintah, contohnya : buatlah (make), gunakanlah (use)
1.      Memakai Simple Present Tense (Subject+V1)
2.      Terdapat temporal conjunctions, contoh: First,next, after that, then, last 
3.      Memakai action verbs, misalnya: mix, blend, stir, cook, etc.
4.      Terdapat goal atau tujuan. Contohnya: How to make  Gudeg.
5.      Dalam beberapa jenis procedure text terdapat bahan atau materi. Contohnya : coffee, rice. Untuk Procedure Text cara melakukan sesuatu, tidak memakai bahan atau materi. 
6.      Adanya langkah-langkah  untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Procedure Text Example

Di bawah Ini terdapat beberapa contoh Procedure text pendek beserta gambar (short procedure text with picture) seperti contoh procedure text membuat es krim (procedure text example how to make ice cream). 
1.    Contoh procedure text beserta artinya.
Contoh procedure text yang pertama adalah procedure text tentang minuman yaitu Procedure text how to make coffee (procedure text cara membuat kopi beserta artinya. 

How to Make a Cup of Coffee 

How to make a cup of coffee
Sumber gambar :

Materials :
·       200 ml of water
·       2 spoons of sugar
·       A spoon of coffee
·       A glass
·       A spoon
·       A kettle

Steps :
·       Boil the water First
·       Second, take two spoons of coffee and two spoons of sugar. put into a glass
·       Next, pour the hot water into a glass
·       Then, stir it gently
·       Finally, your coffee is ready to drink

2.    Contoh yang kedua adalah tentang Procedure text food yaitu procedure text example how to make fried rice
How To Make Fried Rice

Sumber gambar :
Ingredients :
·       3 cups cooked white rice 
·       2 sprays cooking spray  
·       1 cups uncooked carrots, shredded
·       1/2 cups frozen green peas, thawed 
·       2 large eggs, lightly beaten 
·       1 cups uncooked scallions, sliced, divided 
·       1/4 cups low sodium soy sauce, or to taste 

Steps :
·       Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; warm pan over medium-high heat. Add eggs; tilt pan so that eggs cover bottom. 
·       When eggs start to set, break them up into pieces with a heat-proof spatula. Cook until eggs are cooked through, about one minute more; remove eggs from skillet and set aside. 
·       Off heat, recoat same skillet with cooking spray; set over medium-high heat. Add carrots and all but 2 tablespoons scallions; sauté until carrots are crisp-tender, about 3 or 4 minutes. 
·       Stir in cooked rice, peas and soy sauce; cook until heated through, stirring once or twice, about 1 minute. Gently stir in cooked egg and remaining scallions; heat through. Yields about 3/4 cup per serving

3.    Contoh yang ketiga ini merupakan contoh procedure text tentang alat elektronik yaitu Procedure text how to operate camera (procedure teks cara menggunakan kamera digital)

How To Use Camera

sumber gambar :

You need :
·       A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others camera that you have)
·       The object (find something that interesting to you like animals, buildings or the others)

Steps :
·       Handle the camera and turn on it
·       Center the object in the LCD and manage the zoom control untill you get the best view
·       When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other calculations.  
·       Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go. 
·       After that, press shutter all the way down. 

How To use Rice Cooker

sumber gambar :

You need :

·       Rice cooker

Directions :

·       Add the rice to the rice cooker pot. Read the directions on the rice package, and measure rice according to these instructions. Use a regular measuring cup for this step, since rice cookers sometimes come with non-standard measuring devices. 
·       Add the amount of water specified on the rice package. Be careful not to fill the cooker beyond the overfill line. 
·       Put the rice cooker pot into the cooker unit, and cover the pot with the lid. Most cookers come with a tight-fitting lid, but if your lid is too loose, consider adding a layer of aluminum foil. 
·       Plug in the cooker and push the button to start cooking rice. If your cooker has a timer, you may choose to have the rice cook at a later point in the day. Some higher-end units include a warmer, which will help the rice stay warm after it has finished cooking. While the rice is cooking, refrain from lifting the lid to check on it. 
·       When the rice is done, the cooker will beep or make a clicking sound. 

“How to Insert Sim Card Cellphone”

Cellphone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others by voice, written message and data. However this device can not work until the SIM card is inserted.
When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the cellphone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow :
First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.
After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.
Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place
Don’t forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.

“Cara Memasukkan Kartu Sim ke Dalam Ponsel”
Ponsel adalah perangkat komunikasi modern yang menghubungkan orang satu dengan yang lain melalui suara, pesan tertulis dan data. Namun perangkat ini tidak bisa bekerja sampai kartu SIM dimasukkan.
Saat memasukkan Kartu SIM ke ponsel, pastikan ponsel telah dimatikan dan ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:
Pertama-tama, tekan pengunci ponsel bagian belakang dan geser penutup lalu lepaskan penutup dari ponsel.
Setelah itu, dorong dua pengunci ke arah yang berlawanan dan lepaskan baterai.
Selanjutnya, geser kartu SIM dengan hati-hati ke dalam slot dan pastikan penyambungan sinyal yaitu bagian emas telah menghadap ke konektor ponsel.
Kemudian, letakkan baterai dan luruskan sampai terkunci pada tempatnya.
Terakhir, masukkan kedua tangkai slot pengunci belakang sesuai slot di ponsel dan geser penutup depan tombol telepon sampai terkunci pada tempatnya.
Jangan lupa menyalakan ponsel. Tunggu sampai siap digunakan.



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